Tuesday, May 29, 2012

... peep ...

... peep ... ... peep ...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Success through lack of effort

So I managed to some how get down to below 210 for the first time in years and my blood pressure in my bad arm is now 132/81 vs 148/94.

Teh woot.

This means I can haz more chips please now.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I think... I think I'm going to walk/run/jog a half-marathon next September.
FYI... This idea scares the shit out of me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How the time flies

Let's see, since the last post...

I lost another 25 pounds or so - and that rocked totally.

Then I moved.

The moving was relatively easy and I've been living the sweet life since. No job, back to school, just a house and a self to keep neat. And I've gained back 10 lbs.

No idea what it is that makes KFC potato wedges seem (and be) so irresistible to me. C'est la vie.

I could say that I'm in an resurgence of super-motivation, but it's not true. I need to get back to a regular schedule of eating regular meals and not "cheating" in between said meals.

Any suggestions? My ass needs help. STAT.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well again I've proven that I'm terrible and regular posting. I gave up the whole diet thing kind of. Just not motivated right now.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

OMG... I laughed so hard I lost weight.


Silliest "make it bigger, better, faster, now" post I've ever seen.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Okay ladies, what are we up to?  Anything good?  Anything bad?
Personally, I'm hovering around 200, which means 25 lbs lost.  I've officially hit my 10% goal! 

Not much else going on.  Trying to incorporate exercise into my week.  Trying, but not necessarily succeeding.  I've also got a wicked sore throat which isn't inspiring me at the moment.  It was tough to motivate and get to work this morning.  I only did it because Anna would have cried if I hadn't shown up.  And I've got a half day tomorrow.