Friday, July 11, 2008


Hey, did you know that a Tall Soy Chai Latte at Starbucks is only 3 points! That's totally exciting. I got one for me and Amanda on Tuesday and today. Yay treats!

However, totally avoid their "low-fat" breads/sweets. Their low-fat strawberries and creme coffee cake is 7 points and their low-fat lemon loaf is 8 points.... Not as bad a the real thing but not great. One must hope they have flex points left. LOL

Here's their nutrition information if you just can't live w/o your 'Bucks... and, yes, there's a pun in there.

Anyway, how goes things for everyone else?

1 comment:

Jariris said...

Well, other then the tempting Starbuck's cakes, I'm doing good. I'm down a little over 11 lbs and feeling pretty good about it.

I don't plan on going TOO crazy this weekend. *L*