Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kind of lazy, actually

Alright, so we've all been kind of lazy with the posting lately.  I hope we haven't been lazy with the diet!

So after about 3 big "this is a special meal for you honey, wherever you want to go" I barely stayed within my points allowance.  Thank goodness for flex points!

Haven't really lost anything.  I'm consistently around 205, so I guess it's time to get into the gym. Anna has expressed interest in going after work, which is Great.  However I need to show a little motivation and get this ball rolling.

As of yesterday, I've got a ton of free time with no one to please but myself.  I need to put it to good use!

1 comment:

Calliopia said...

I've been lazy all around. Damn it. Had to have bbq chicken last night though and I don't care. I NEEDED it.