Monday, August 11, 2008

mostly on track

so the weekend wasn't too bad considering it could have been freaking awful (diet-wise anyway).
Mom was feeling good last night and she asked me to go to Dairy Queen with her. Had a small dip cone, so feeling good I got the smallest, cheapest thing on the menu. I'm usually a Blizzard kind of gal.
The whole family has always valued things that are healthy, and now it's time to put the money where the mouth is for everyone. Wish us luck!


Jariris said...

Good luck indeed! I myself like a small DQ cone for a treat when I've got points leftover.

Torn said...

**HUGS** to both the Buck girls!!

Calliopia said...

mmm DQ. Do I have to count the Moolatta if it was a gift?

Jariris said...

HA! The Moolatta is EXTRA points if it was a gift! :p