Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sunny Saturday

Today has been gorgeous. Too bad I spent it working. At least I was outside. I was at the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival in Norfolk. Lots of really beautiful artwork that I couldn't afford. Ah well.

Took the bento lunch with me. I'm so proud. I'm spending a good chunk of time making these lunches, which is nice. But I'd be happy if I could streamline it a little bit more.

Breakfast - 1 onigiri (rice ball stuffed with tuna salad, wrapped in nori).

Lunch - 3 onigiri, cantaloupe and grapes, 6 Tbsp trail mix.

Dinner - Taco Bell Grilled Stuffed Taco w/beef, nachos and cheese sauce, diet pepsi.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bento Baby!

Breakfast: 1Cup of Pork Teriyaki Stir Fry with zuchini, onion, and cabbage.

Snack: Nature Valley Bar.

Lunch: Woohoo Bento! Actually, I don't know if I can really call it a bento, but it was a start. Pork Teriyaki Stir Fry (see above) with 2.5 rice balls (shaped like stars, no less!), Wakeme Soup (seaweed), Cantalope pieces with grapes. I'm stuffed!

Dinner: It's going to be at the hockey game, so I know it won't be good for me and there will be at least one beer involved. Hmm...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Speaking of Slippery....

I made breakfast for dinner and cooked some bacon in the microwave. I totally didn't pay attn to how long it had been sitting there, or not sitting there as was the case. And when I took the plate out of the microwave I immediately tried to drop it and sloshed bacon juice all over the floor. The dogs thought it was Christmas.

So today:
B: PB & B Sandwich (yes it is a trend.. until I run out of bananas)
L: umm I don't remember and it was only 10 hours ago.
Dinner: Pancakes, 1 pc scrapple, 2 eggs, 2 pc bacon.

Snack: 2 sticks of fake crab meat. No fat and fishy breath as a fun little perk.

Friday, you slippery bitch, get over here!

Blowing it for lunch...

Breakfast: one fried egg, one piece of toast, small bunch of grapes.
Snack: Nature Valley Oat Bar.
Lunch: Pizza, slices, 4.

Good news though - I bought some tennis shoes last night, wearing them today. They feel good (which is a nice change for me) and I plan to go to the gym after work. Yay!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Being motivational

I guess our motivation is supposed to come from umm well I don't know where. I guess making ourselves do the blog thing at least starts the whole self discipline process. Mmm discipline. Oh wait..

B: Coffee, PB & Banana Sandwich
L: Coffee, 100 cal oatmeal bar, left over tortellini, apple

Look, finally, a post.

I have been such a freaking slacker that it's not even funny. This blog was 1/2 my idea, and I can't get my shit together enough to post? Damn.

So, let's see how far back I can cast my memory.

Sunday: Breakfast - Banana Protein Smoothie (homemade); Lunch - Chicken Breast with spices, Roasted Potatoes & Zuchini, 1/2 glass of red wine; Dinner - Schlotzky's Roast Beef & Provalone on Wheat Bun, Corn Chowder, Unsweetened Ice Tea

Monday: Breakfast - I have no idea. Snack - Nature Valley Bar; Lunch - Lean Cuisine Butternut Squash & Veggies (My favorite!); Dinner - Delicious new restaurant (Bonefish Grill). I had Seared Ahi Tuna appetizer, cup of corn chowder with crab, Steamed veggies with Shrimp & Scallops, seared with Mango Salsa. Oh, and a Mango Sangria.

Tuesday: Breakfast - 2 Egg Sandwich with about a Tbsp. of shredded cheddar cheese, Snack - Bagel with cream cheese (Which I heartily regret) Lunch - Slice of Salami Sandwich with cheese, Wilty Salad with marinated mushrooms & artichoke hearts, some kind of weird desserty thing (What can I say, it was catered.) Dinner - one Hamburger Patty with mustard and some Japanese Rice snacks

Wednesday: Breakfast - 1 Fried Egg with 1 slice of Toast; Snack - Nature Valley Oat Bar; Lunch - Kashi Sweet & Sour Chicken (good, but I'm already hungry); I did good and waited until I got home. I had some rice snacks and now I'm heading off for a sushi dinner. Yay!

Wait, what?


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Yay Baby-smoochies

I got to visit the cute Mr Ian this morning and gave him lots of smoochies from everyone. So Sunday was busy and apparently yesterday was busy as well. I'm keeping track of stuff though but I think I need to post more often.

B: Coffee, Special K bar L: Sushi (Yummers) D: Clam Chowder and Fried w/ Vinegar & Cheese
Dessert: Hot Chocolate

B: Coffee, Banana & Peanut Butter on Toast L: Toast and Noodles D: Sm Pork Chop, Squash, Potatoes, Green Beans

B: Coffee, Blueberry Muffin MS: Banana L: Left over Squash, Potatoes & Beans from last night.