Saturday, July 12, 2008

Oh god.

This just isn't the week for me. I haven't been doing well on the WW but I'm still doing "better". Last night I had yummy avocado rolls for a snack - the big ones with wrapped with rice paper. Ohmigod, so good! Oh, and seaweed salad to go with... Not to mention my blended mocha frap from Starbucks that the BF bought me. Damn boyfriend. It was sweet and I didn't want to say no!

And, I've been totally out of flex points since Thursday! LOL

Anyway, I thought I'd share. I suspect that next week will be better since I'm going to do the grocery store shopping tomorrow. Plan week meals, etc. This week has been a lot of catch as catch can. While not failing COMPLETELY ... Still having set backs.

Hope everyone is fairing better than I!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Damn Walmart or Rescue Mission or Goodwill

Well so far I've been sticking to the points for the week. Especially after all the cleaning I did yesterday. Haven't made any great foods lately, though. Just haven't been inspired. That may be due to the _cooking only what is in the cabinets_ thing I try to do once a month. It helps prevent the moving out issue of "Hey didn't we pack that sauce when we moved IN here?"

Oh a bright note I may not need my points for the rest of the day. If you um lose your breakfast do you get those points back?

Thanks Pioneer Woman! Maybe...

If you haven't been to the Pioneer Woman website, go now. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. GO! Specifically, click on the Cooking tab. (Also cruise the rest of the site. This woman's writing cracks me right up.)

There is almost NOTHING healthy about this woman's cooking (at least from the WW perspective), but her recipes all look delicious, and easy. I've tried out one or two with good results.

Tonight, in honor of Roses and Sharon visiting, I'm planning to dive into the Asian Noodle Salad. Hey, it's almost all veggies, how bad could it be?

Try 14 points per serving bad! It's honestly all in the dressing. I mixed it up last night and it smells and tastes so good - I can't wait to start cutting vegetables!


Hey, did you know that a Tall Soy Chai Latte at Starbucks is only 3 points! That's totally exciting. I got one for me and Amanda on Tuesday and today. Yay treats!

However, totally avoid their "low-fat" breads/sweets. Their low-fat strawberries and creme coffee cake is 7 points and their low-fat lemon loaf is 8 points.... Not as bad a the real thing but not great. One must hope they have flex points left. LOL

Here's their nutrition information if you just can't live w/o your 'Bucks... and, yes, there's a pun in there.

Anyway, how goes things for everyone else?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thanks Ichiban Kan

Okay, you all know that Amanda and I are stuck on the bento lunch thing. Well, I've been looking at them online and bought several cool types. Specifically, I ended up getting the 'Happy Balloon' bentos from one store on eBay but they didn't have a plain orange strap so I bought one with a monkey on it. Since then, I've been interested in owing the bento with the monkey on it.

Amanda found a store that sells bentos for $1.00 +/- so I bought the monkey bento - along with many good things today! :)

Oh, so yeah - Thanks Amanda too for feeding my bento addiction. I've got some baran coming with your name on it! ;p

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Round 47

Here we go again. Maybe we'll actually manage this for more than a month. I have faith, really.

Weight Watchers Online

So, are we all signed up for the infamous WW online? Amanda and I are having a war of who can make the tastiest lunch with the lowest points -- how fair the rest o' ya'll?