Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How the time flies

Let's see, since the last post...

I lost another 25 pounds or so - and that rocked totally.

Then I moved.

The moving was relatively easy and I've been living the sweet life since. No job, back to school, just a house and a self to keep neat. And I've gained back 10 lbs.

No idea what it is that makes KFC potato wedges seem (and be) so irresistible to me. C'est la vie.

I could say that I'm in an resurgence of super-motivation, but it's not true. I need to get back to a regular schedule of eating regular meals and not "cheating" in between said meals.

Any suggestions? My ass needs help. STAT.

1 comment:

Calliopia said...

Let's get motervated. I am getting into the Spring garden working weight loss thing. You can come shovel horse poo w/ Jenn and I on Saturday. That is ass reducing.