Tuesday, July 15, 2008

add this site to list

check out this website during your electronic travels in search of healthy indulgences. http://www.hungry-girl.com/ I've just found it and definitely looks like it's worth looking through for interesting ideas.


Jariris said...

You ask, I answer.

missbuck said...

did you check it out? hungry girl talked about carnival mustard yesterday that I think I'll try. cool tips about yummy things

Calliopia said...

I liked some of her ideas for substitutes but I still have to stick with real sugar and butter. I just budget them in to my points. I know I should find a way to give them up, but I SO dislike the taste of sweeteners and margarine. I tried the marg. spray and I can use it for a couple things if I'm not going to directly taste it. Like greasing a baking dish.