Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bored, bored, bored.

Disinterest has set in, as it usually does soon after the husband ships out.  Can of soup for breakfast and I'm planning on hitting the Subway for lunch.

I know that I can do these things and still be well within my points for the day, but it's so...boring!


Calliopia said...

I fine that when I'm bored with food if I go buy interesting fruit or a strange fruit juice it perks my interest again.

Make a cherry, pear and mango salad with fresh lime juice. Add an apple if you want crunchy in it.

Speaking of fruit I just remembered I have a watermelon in the kitchen. I think watermelon could be the fruit that's really a vegetable to tomato's vegie that's really a fruit.

Jariris said...

You know, I've got some sangria fruit salad in the fridge. I need to eat that before it turns to alcohol!

Torn said...

I'm back from NC... maybe that will help? =)